Monday, April 23, 2012

Jennifer Probst: Success is Not an Accident

I read on the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog last week that author Jennifer Probst became the first author for Entangled Publishing to hit the NYT Bestseller List with her book The Marriage Bargain (see post here).
That pretty much made me download it instantly. I found it to be sparkly, tightly written, and a don't-you-dare-put-me-down kind of read. I loved it!

So today I found myself googling this author and her NYT success, and I found this post at The Moody Muses. Jennifer talks about a blogpost she read on Kristen Lamb's blog about Quitting. It's a very inspirational post about when to turn your focus elsewhere, to focus on your goals and change them when something isn't working.  Jennifer also shows herself to be a very savvy busnesswoman.

Both of these posts are about focus and having a plan--a business plan as well as a writing plan. Read them and be inspired as I was!

                                         [ A cloudy day but who notices when these are so bright?]