I really hate brain fatigue. The kind that prevents you from seeing mistakes. When you work on a manuscript day in and day out, you are bound to get it. Here are the top three annoying mistakes I often make and then catch only after I've had a rest from a manuscript:
--I use the same words, especially verbs and adjectives, over and over, within a short space of one another. Don't know why, just happens. Seems like it happens more with the more unusual words--like my brain thinks they are clever and wants to keep using them.
--I lose my ear for good dialogue. Even if I think it's good at the time, it doesn't sound so good later.
--I sacrifice emotional depth to plot. I think it's all I can do to get the plot down the first couple of go-rounds. Have to really think and make connections and layer in emotional conflict as time goes on.
These are all reasons why writing is not a solitary profession after all. I used to think it was. But connections are made and ideas are grown when work is shared...not to mention, mistakes are fixed!
I entered my newest manuscript into the Golden Heart last fall, but it has "ripened" and changed a lot since then. Seems like my writing needs this time to be re-thought out and given depth through draft after draft.
I wonder, with experience, do you make less of these errors? Do you "get it" quicker?